Project Mentor: Professor Eric Obeysekare, Computer Science and Engineering
2024 Impact Fellows:
Isabelle Canadine '27
Jackson Kramp ‘27
Avery Nudell-Cook ‘27
Fernanda Sena ‘27
Sophie Lin '26
Evan Woodward '26
Project Description:
How can single-use plastic waste be viewed as a resource and the foundation for a circular economy?
The Philippines consumes over 2 million tons of single-use plastic annually, contributing significantly to global plastic pollution. Shockingly, less than 10% of this plastic waste is recycled due to a lack of proper infrastructure, resulting in environmental degradation and threats to marine life. PlasTech seeks to address these challenges by establishing and upgrading micro-recycling facilities (called Materials Recovery Facilities in the Philippines) that collect and process post-consumer plastic waste, specifically multi-layer sachets. Plastech facilities process this plastic into useful products that lock up the plastic while providing local communities with income-generation opportunities. The Plastech team is working to establish a pilot recycling facility with a community in Baseco, Manila, while concurrently characterizing various recycled plastic formulas from a strength and performance perspective. This project involves plastic / polymer characterization, supply chain management, community-engaged social innovation, plastic upcycling techniques, business model development and implementation, and research writing. Students from all majors with an interest in environmental sustainability, waste management, sustainable development, and original technological research are welcome to apply.