Faculty Mentor/s:
Lead Mentor: Christine Cook, VP for Strategic Planning and Initiatives. Co-Mentors: Dr. Joe Sterrett, Dean of Athletics; Prof. Nicholas Sawicki, Art, Architecture & Design; Mark Ironside, AVP of University Business Services; Prof. Christine Ussler, Art, Architecture & Design


Students on the team:


Project Description:
This project will take a deep dive into past, present, and future designs to make Lehigh’s Mountaintop Campus a fully-activated community. The project team will study all aspects of transforming a campus and what that process entails, from housing, restaurants, light retail, community programming, research labs, and corporate partnerships. It will involve historical research, cataloging current activities and projects, exploring transportation options, and conducting a study of similar institutions. The goal is to make the Mountaintop Campus a unique and dynamic space for experiential learning and research. Students from all majors are encouraged to apply.


Month/Year Project Began: