The NextGen Impact Fellowship is a pioneering faculty-student partnership that propels ambitious, interdisciplinary creative inquiry and exploratory research projects that push the boundaries of knowledge and drive systemic change. Fellows embark on high-risk, high-reward intellectual journeys, advancing multi-year proj ects throughout the Spring and Fall semesters, earning six academic credits. This program creates a dynamic fusion of courses, workshops, and retreats that fuel creative inquiry and bold exploration. Fellows are empowered to take intellectual risks, delve into uncharted territories, and pursue daring, transformative ideas. Select Fellows have the additional opportunity to join the prestigious Mountaintop summer program, where they can further challenge conventional thinking and amplify the impact of their work.

The NextGen Impact Fellowship champions the pursuit of breakthrough ideas with the power to reshape society. Fellows hone their critical thinking and problem-solving skills while tackling projects that address pressing societal challenges. They publish groundbreaking research in leading journals, present their innovations at national conferences, and offer insights that influence policies and global movements. The program is a launchpad for trailblazing research and innovation, inspiring Fellows to explore big ideas, chart new intellectual paths, and become the thought leaders and change-makers of tomorrow.


What’s in it for students?

Work alongside the most ambitious and creative students and world-class faculty from across the university on transformative, multi-year projects that push the boundaries of research and intellectual inquiry.

 Breakthrough disciplinary, cultural, and geographical barriers to co-create innovative and meaningful research with partners across the globe.

Engage in research under the guidance of faculty mentors who bring decades of experience in conducting pioneering research, designing solutions, and leading impactful projects worldwide.

Conduct original, cutting-edge research and see your work published in leading academic journals and conference proceedings. Travel to national and international conferences to present your findings and expand your professional network.

Sharpen your intellectual and practical skills while forming lasting friendships with peers and collaborators from across the university and the local communities where we work.

Set yourself apart and enhance your competitiveness for prestigious fellowships, awards, graduate programs, and career opportunities by leading impactful research and contributing to systemic societal change.

Taking on high-risk, high-reward projects is challenging, but the opportunity to explore new ideas, create transformative impact, and leave a lasting legacy is immensely rewarding.

2025 NextGen Impact Fellowship projects
Understanding racist, extremist, and egalitarian beliefs in adolescence
1. Understanding Racist, Extremist, and Egalitarian Beliefs in Adolescence

Project Mentor: Prof. Debbie Laible, Psychology

Exploring Active Granular Media
2. Exploring Active Granular Media

Project Mentor: Prof. James Gilchrist, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Organoid Sorting by Multiplex Machine Learning
3. Organoid Sorting by Multiplex Machine Learning

Project Mentor: Prof. Yaling Liu, Bioengineering

4. ThermoSolar - Making Solar Panels more Energy Efficient

Project Mentor: Dr. Carlos Romero, Energy Research Center, Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics

Purple Drop
6. Purple Drop - Building a DNA Computing and Storage Platform

Project Co-Mentors: Prof. Mayuresh Kothare, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Dr. Mark Arnold, Computer Science and Engineering

STEM Visualizations
7. STEM Visualizations - Promoting Experiential Learning through Interactive Online Visualizations

Project Mentor: Prof. Srinivas Rangarajan, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

8. Childhood - Environment, Emotions, and Social Engagement

Project Mentor: Prof. Danming An, Psychology

Future of Childhood
9. The Childhood of the Future

Project Mentor: Prof. Nandini Deo, Political Science

Self-Driving Cars in Urban Environments with Traffic
10. Self-Driving Cars in Urban Environments with Traffic

Project Mentor: Prof. Cristi Vasile, Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics

Bacterium's Success
11. Decoding the Secrets Behind a Bacterium's Success within Animal Cells

Project Mentor: Prof. Dylan Shropshire, Biological Sciences

12. Modular Small-Scale Desalination Plants

Project Mentor: Dr. Carlos Romero, Energy Research Center, Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics