Silicon Valley Social Impact Fellows are a cohort of undergraduate and graduate students who address social and economic challenges in the fast-growing and ever-changing tech hubs of the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley. SVSIFs advance their projects in the Spring and Fall semesters, with 2-3 weeks of fieldwork in the Bay Area during the summer. The courses, workshops, retreats, and immersive experiences of this program integrate experiential learning, research, and entrepreneurial engagement with students leading original and ambitious projects with partners on campus and across the region. Projects are mentored by Lehigh faculty with students making substantial intellectual contributions along the way.
Contact: Bill Whitney,
Timeline: Application deadline is 11:59pm ET on Sunday, October 29th. Program runs for two semesters (Spring followed by Fall) with fieldwork typically taking place in late May/early June.
Cost/Funding: Approx. $500 needed for fieldwork. Financial assistance available for most students. 3 Academic Credits per semester for two semesters.